Eve online making money with a freighter

Eve online making money with a freighter

Posted: LinkAssistant Date: 12.06.2017

New or returning pilots: I'm trying to decide what to do with an alt account. I know I wanna do something trade related. In December I only had a grand total of about m isk in my wallet when I tried out hauling.

I would buy stuff from Jita sell orders and then haul them to Orvolle in my 'Cane and then place up a sell order. To most people this isn't a lot of money, but for someone that was sort of clueless, low capital, and a pretty small regional market, I thought it was ok. For that specific experience, yes, which is why I stopped doing that and moved on to better market strategies.

When the margins are much smaller the other.

At that point you don't have to babysit the item anymore. If by "lucrative" you mean "Can I make more doing this than I could AFK mining ice? It depends how much time you put in.

I barely did any work in Black Frog last month and made around three billion. That's doing about 30 contracts with my jump freighter.

It definitely takes longer to skill up a hauler compared to the time necessary for a miner. Your average black frog contract makes m profit?! Net profit was probably somewhere around 2. It was 29 contracts with a total gross of 2.

I also know that there are a bunch of people who make a lot more money than I did last month running courier contracts. My point is that hauling is profitable if it's something you put the training time in for it. It's not the easiest EVE career by any stretch of the imagination but I enjoy it. If you are smart then you can minimize the risk.

You learn quickly where to light cynos and if you get on with a corp like Black Frog we have quite a few resources to help pilots and there is a huge knowledge base of helpful pilots. To get started someone would need to be a Red Frog pilot. That means being able to fly a freighter of your choice and having enough money to use for contract collaterals. Little bit of a queue at the moment but they'll get to you. You can also join the in-game channel 'profit' for additional information.

Thanks for all the information.

Is hauling/freighter work actually lucrative? : Eve

Is there plenty of work to be had? Or do the jobs come infrequently? I don't think I have ever seen the queue empty. I don't think you'll have a problem with finding enough contracts to keep yourself busy. I pay probably m per JF load to get my goods about 3 jumps in, and I move about a million m3 a week.

What's your in game name? I'd be happy to discuss working something out as a private contractor.

eve online making money with a freighter

Depends on the system and a few other things but if you're still looking for help with hauling things I might be able to help. Lol, fountain, so if you're looking to work there, there's channels I don't have access to, I only have the neutral contacts to yse,. I import shit with my own jump freighter to the alliance staging. It is profitable, but also a pain in the ass sometimes. Don't get me wrong, it's great fun, but I'm to the point now where I feel like I gotta start looking for supplemental income.

Well, hauling rakes in less isk per hour than highsec ice mining unless you are working for a freight company in which case it's still probably similar. That's why I happily pay up to k per jump for short hauls. Usually completed and delivered within the hour. It's profitable, until you get killed. Which I just experienced first hand. Poof, whole cargo gone in high sec. Try offering a lowsec hauling service maybe?

Not that I don't like black frog, they're great. I just find that unless you're moving enough to fill a freighter their minimums are a bit pricey, and they can be a bit slow. Sometimes a guy just needs a mountain of ammo and drones, maybe a few manufacturing items, and doesn't have access to a cloaky transport. My cheetah can only move so much. I'd certainly be interested in such a service. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. By signing up, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Privacy Policy and Content Policy.

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How much can you make as a hi-sec hauler? : Eve

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You won't be able to vote or comment. Eve submitted 4 years ago by Cwaynejames I'm trying to decide what to do with an alt account.

Only one I'm a little out-of-the-know on is hauling. Undercut by massive amounts. I didn't put in that much time either, once or twice a week is work for a few hours. Had to go pull my numbers from our site so I was sure on them.

I made enough to plex three accounts and still stash away a billion or so in savings. It's too bad soloists have a harder time than frog getting in. Also, howd you get your start? Once you are a proven RF pilot and have the JF skills set up you can apply to Black Frog.

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