Diablo 3 new trade system

Diablo 3 new trade system

Posted: nikittka Date: 30.05.2017

OK FOKX that all good luck dueling and good luck with all 91 barb, 99sorc, 79 zon, 99 zon bow. Hello to all my barb friends. Look the real way to a barb for all you beginers is to max out your weapon of choice mastery almost right away. Get it out of the way for god sake.

Now you want to start putting points in the following And of course max out ww please All you do is get a good weapon with a type of leach per hit and you never even need mana. Then when all thats done and you should have it done by mid lvl 70's play with war cries. They are useful no matter who disagrees.

LVL 71 barb right now with current. Okay, this strat is for a Sword Barbarian only. The stats are as follows All EXTRA Points After level 70, you should split your points as 1 strength, 1 dex, and 2 vitality. Your skills are as follows You get a lot of extra skills and stats first.

Okay, this is my Barb Strat. Lancer Barbs are the best for classic, so to have a good Lancer barb, here are the skills you should save up until you get to level 70, unless you are impatient, BUT don't waste points on useless junk like bash, frenzy, and those things.

The Skills are for a level For your skills at level 70, you will need Your leech will give it all back. When you get to a higher level, divide your stats into Str and Vit. You should have around life with your Battle Orders. Make sure before you go into battle that you put your leech items on, what can you do without them?

ABAACAAAD -- Barbarian level 76, Maciamopoo[ta] -- Sorceress level 76, MancerNecr -- Necromancer level 46, ABC-Ez -- Barbarian level 35, Maciam -- Sorceress level Don't pay ne attention to my writing if u want a good barb you absoulty have to have these skills.

Battle Command-2to3 skills,Battle ordersto12 and that basically all. Now for at to use well in a lvl 86 barb and this is wat u should use: Arreats of coarse, Boots: Shaftstop or GladBane, Weapons: Gf and Doom, or u can use 2 lightsabres, Gloves: Up to u, ammy: Stormshield if u dont want frenzy. Ok, i hate to say this, but the majority of you are wrong about Barbarians. To simply put this, whirlwind is a bunch of crap. Yes youcan hit lots of enemies at once but i romise if you follow this you will drop just as many enemies with far more control.

First raise your sword mastery at lower levels. Armor class is a must and if at all possible get yourself some rattlecage. I say this because it has the ability to make mosters flee. So while your sitting there hacking down on some deamons with a attack rating you drop them one by one as others return from running. That should help you guys but trust me on one thing.

College Essays, College Application Essays - Diablo 3 trade system

To be a good pk barb you need to use a good sword ith,furybb,gf ,for sheild ss always,helm either arreats or gaze,for gloves ik gaunlest for str and dex,for boots imp shanks or war travs,for belt string,for rings raven spiral and frost,as for armor either 1.

PLS NOTE ALSO THAT TO BE AS GOOD AS MY FREIND WITHC USES MOST OF THIS STUFF THAT YOU NEED SOJS A LOT. I have nothing against them hey I even help them out occasionally but to have a good character the most, and I mean most vital part is the items.

You could be perfect in setting your skills and stat points but without good items your done. I composed a list of great items that just about every barb over level 67 should be wearing: A must have, the damage reduce and vitality adds greatly to Barbs. And whatever you do, DO NOT use courpsemourn, that is the most pathetic armor I have seen on a Barb. Now the items are out of the way so lets move on to stat points Strength is your most important stat, your a Barbarian, why wouldnt it be?

Dexterity, another important stat, which is how often you will land a hit. Vitality, dont listen to other idiots put any other stat points you have into this. Energy, dont bother looking at this one. Ok off to the fun stuff, skill distributation - MAX WW MAX SWORD MASTERY AND MAX BATTLE ORDERS the three most important skills to a barb.

Put in Increase speed. And the rest in the skills to build up to those techniques and Natural Resistance with the others. Hey i just got to say one thing barbs dont just rock up close and personal they rock at range too. All you have to do is make out throwing mastery,15 in double throw,and max out frenzey andput 8 in max stamina and 2 in increased speed. You are all noobs.

Well thats not much of a stratagy but i just had to say that i agree with u maven. QUICK Barbarian guide to success! Right, Barbarians can be really tough characters to play, even if you DO know what you are doing. They are not the best PK characters, so don't expect to go slaughtering amazons, assassins, and Sorcs without great difficulty.

Here is a timeline of what you should do to make a good barbarian. Find a good shield and sword. By level 30, try to have some points in Swords Mastery, those are the best weapons. Try to have as many as points is sword mastery by level With your remaining points, add about 5 to Iron Skin, and use the others a perquisites. MAKE SURE you put just 1 point into the skill: AS for stats points, out of the points you get not including quest points you should add to strength, 30 to dex and 20 to vitality In Nightmare: Here you should reach lvl 60 about By now, you will see the need for some elemental resistances, so put 3 points in Natural resistances, and let item boosts take care of the rest.

By now, you should have a good shield and a good sword. Now, it's time for some combat skills. I like to alternate between putting two points in Concentration and then 1 in iron skin until Conc.

Is maxed out, and then once it is maxed out you should also max out Iron Skin. As for stat points, your strength should be good, so out ofput 50 in strength, 80 in dex, and maybe 20 in vitality.

Okay, this is where things get tricky. So, just put 1 point and let the skill boosting items do the rest. Now, however, you will see that there are a lot more monsters to kill, so put your points into Whirlwind. Max it out by lvl 80, and then you will have a barbarian who can deal with single potent enemies Concentration or weak groups Whirlwind. As for stat point, make sure that by lvl 80 you have at least points in strength item boosted or not and in dex.

You should be fine. As for equipment, get a Colossus blade, six socets, and pu DOL-ELD-HEL-IST-TIR-VEX runes to create silence, and use it with both your hands.

It is essential that you have a good life leech item, like the String of Ears belt. Try to get Skullder's Ire or Arkaines Valor for an armor, a Bul-KKathos' Wedding Band for a ring, a Highlords wrath for an amulet, Venom Grip or Lava Gout for gloves, any boots will do, but GET ARREAT's FACE as a helm.

If you don't know its a unique slayer guard. There, my barb is lvl 72 and he has all these items, and he ROCKS!! Follow this guide and you will rue DIABLO 2! Patriarch lvl 72 Barb. I am a level 74 sword-barb and this is my strat that i used.

For your first 20 skill points, max out sword mastery, trust me, it is the best. Hi I have a lvl 32 barb and he killed baal in ten hits. My strategy on how to use the barb is max out sword mast put ten in frenzy and your set. I dont have that good stuff but i kill even unique chrushers in nightmare in one hit.

It doesnt matter what stuff you have although you should of course use the best stuff you can get. Just remember all you need is max sword mast and ten frenzy. Thanks for reading have fun with your barb. WW has it's use, but it is more for show than actual game play. WW gives you no bonus to defense, and the increase to damage once you do get an increase at no time matches concentrate's bonus.

WW also has a high mana cost. If u still have skills left put them in or shout and battle command or in natural res or bearsek and a few in run faster. Ok now for the stats: Now for the items: I have 2 choice 1st one is arreat, shaft, stormshield, venom grip ,sting of ears, inferno stride, c grip, and a manald the sword I like is ccb the 2nd one is: Now I know that people may not agree with me but anyways I have played this game for about 3 months now that may not be along time, but I have learned a lot.

Warcries are of course a waste of skill points. Shout comes in handy to increase my defense for about 10 seconds which helps when going up against a lot of monsters at once. Find Item is kind of useful due to which if you have high magic find you can get some items off those unique monsters I have even picked up a set item with this skill at level one. The last one would be Battlecry because it weakens the enemy, which is useful, because it weakens their defense and also reduces their damage J very useful.

Increased Stamina is about a point. Increased Speed about a point. Natural Resistances max that out because there comes negative to your resistances in Nightmare and Hell. Now as it goes for Combat Bash is good but it gets out dated. Concentrate for a two handed-sword barb or a one-two handed sword shield barb since they can use a 2-handed sword like a one-handed with a consequence is cool is great and should be maxed out. Berserk put a point in that because not everyone has some kind of elemental damage to there name barbs I mean, and no skill puts anything into that so this would give you this effect if needed which will be cause of the immune to physical attack monsters.

The down side is it makes your character more open for attack but if you want I would max that out after everything else but put a point in it till at least you get a sword that adds elemental damage to it.

Ok now as stats come to play I would say two strength, two dexterity and one to vitality. I know, but I tell you what with my mana leech and high mana anyways I hardly ever run out J even with WW. Armor would be ordinate mines about eight hundred to defense. Sword two-handed one with high attack maybe even sockted.

Shield I use The Ward good with defense and resistances, and plus ten to strength. You take your choice these are not the best items you will find better. Rings and Amulets would be with mana or life leech and plus to skills and stats and also Magic Find. Nasty Slasher Level 38 Barbarian. Barbarians are very good duelers, so listen up for the BEST STRATEGY GUIDE EVER. I have played for 4 years, made several barbarians, and have every item I could wish for. This is mainly focused on PvP not player vs.

If you want a good barbarian, read these quick tips: Strength keep at or less. You can get swords that are strong enough to impale anybody in one hit pretty much, especially if you use whirlwind. You will need to save your points for a much more valuable stat point: I would strive to have about vitality, because barbarians get 4 health points per vitality, you will have about health at level This will take you a long way, but only if you have the following items: For skills, max whirlwind, max battle orders, a lot of increased speed, max iron skin, max the mastery you want to be good in, get 1 leap attack and the rest is up to you.

For more information about barbarians or if you want to trade with me at any time, email me at ladiesman hotmail. Feel free to add me to your friends list. Collect all the magic find you can. Once you have about magic find start doind hell baal runs. If you are not high enough level get rushed and sit in hell cows until level Personally I think mauls are the best for barbarions so max out mace mastry.

Try to spread out skills dont put to much in one area. A balanced barb should have 20 in mace mastry, 8 in whirlwhind, 20 in leap attack 11 in shout, 6 in battle orders, 7 in natural resistance, 4 in increased speed, 8 in iron skin, and left over skills in areas of your choice.

Try to get around strength, in dex, in dex, and whatever left in energy. Try to get a manald heal ring for the mana steal. OK,hi all some ppl say u need arreat face but Hey fellow diablo lovers, this is for all of you classic players if there still are any after all the xpac fans lol.

I have a 77 barb, AssBarbPK he is a sword barb, second best to lance barbswith shadow mar and all. AHHHHHHH, What is with all you people who say use Whirl-Wind! Now I've tested this many MANY times, and I wanted to keep this little secret all to my gready little self, but you people just can't figure it out, so here comes good ole me to bail ya out. Use a damn shield!

Sure you're big scary Whirl wind won't be as good now but I got more to tell ya. Okay now for some real strategy. Their are 2 ways to go in my opinion 1 maces; or 2 swords If you're going mace max out the mastery and get Schaefer's Hammer, If you're going sword max out that mastury, and get yourself a light sabre, or you could get a silence rune-word if you want a nice treat.

In any case for skilld, max out the mastury you're gonna go with, max concentrate,get a point in leap attack, and 1 or more in baserk err. I know my spelling and grammer sucks, just bare with me okay now try to get Alot of natural resistance and iron skin, these will help a butt-load, increasd speed and stanima are good too, but don't over do it. War crys are great. I really don't think you have to worry too much. I've noticed that most, probably of these strats say Barbs dont need energy Now Obviously you need some pts in Energy if you dont hey guess what, you dont have the mana to use your skills.

I have an ancient axe with 2 P. Official Barb Strategy 1. Put most stat points in vitality,strength,and dex. Get defense armor at the least I would recommend GOOD gris,shaftstop or many of the other wonder armors.

As for the weapons don't use mauls enless they are Very fast like ik but I recommed swords like Gf or lightsabre. Okay so many of you out here are dising the low lvl barb strats, but give this one a try. I did this to my single payer barb lvl 72 and he tears up evrything in his path, and i set the char lvl at 8 so the monsters are tougher and drop better items.

JUST STICK WITH THE SAME MASTERY!! If you don't think this will work, try it Kongol-Lod lvl 22 Barbarian. Is it just me, or are most of these so called "strategies" completely useless. I cannot believe that there are players with clvl 24 barbarians trying to give out "advice"! Most of the "words of wisdom" I have seen are inane bits of advice about leeching in Hell Cows and having buddies "rush" you through the game.

Give me a break! If you can't earn it legit and by yourself, you SHOULD not be playing Diablo. As for the strats about "this weapon rocks", or "I kill everyone", please. I have been playing Diablo for a long time, and everyone has been beaten, AT EVERY LEVEL. The barb is a wonderful melee character, but each build is different. Swords, inherently, are the best weapons for a barb given their generally faster attack speed, but any weapon the you choose to "master" has the potential for being a powerful tool.

As for skills, Warcries are VERY VALUABLE in the latter difficulties of the game, especially Battle Orders. Trust me, the first time you face the Ancients in Hell, you will be happy for the boost in health, mana, and stamina. As for choice of armor and such, finding the Immortal King set, string of ears, Arreat's Face, and of course, the ubiquitous Stone of Jordan ring are a must for any serious player.

Just remember, the fun of Diablo is actually PLAYING the game and BUILDING the character, legitimately. I hope this has been at least a little bit informative. You never know, maybe I'll see you on USEAST. Good luck fellow questers. Ive been working on a barbarian strategy for quite a while now and heres is the way i think u should go.

First off max out sword mastery, the sword is the best weapon for a barbarian. Then max out whirlwind. For the armor wear shaftstop or if u cant get it then wear courpsemourn, for shield get gerkes santuary or if u a rich barb wear stromshield.

Have fun and dont follow everything exactly be creative. Ok, I'm tired of all u people saying war cries are good.

They aren't, and that's all there is to it. I wouldn't even waste any skill points in them. I got him this far in single player through many, many hours of gaming. He uses maces, not swords. In my opinion, I find that they do more damage than swords do.

Also, with the exception of the flail, maces do not have a dexterity requirement. This means u can put many more points into strength, and get that armor u've always wanted faster.

Now, this doesn't mean u shouldn't put anything into dexterity, u want to be able to hit things. But, if u do decide to use maces, DO NOT GO FOR THE HUGE THINGS! Yeah, their damage may be massive, but their attack speed is too slow to hit any monsters without them killing u first in higher difficulty levels.

Use the smaller maces. Work ur way up until u can get the Baranar's Star altogether this puppy deals damage BY ITSELF! With the double-weapon configuration, u can dish out damage in the quintuple digits using maxed whirlwind which u SHOULD max, but if u dont want to do that, then at least go to level 8 with it, so the damage isn't reduced at all Then get an amulet or piece of jewelry that increases ur attack speed, prefferably with a little bit of added magic resistance or a life leeching ability.

Another good skill to get is berzerker, but don't put anymore than three points into it. The magic damage may rise, but the duration drops with every skill point u put into it. For combat masteries, i recommend mace masteries, but if u aren't using maces, then whatever weapon type u are using.

When u get there, put at least 8 points into iron skin, so u have double defense, but if u want, go to level 18 with it and no higher, but I don't recommend that. U want to save ur points for natural resistance, which u definately should max. Another skill u might want to invest 8 or 9 points into is increased speed. DO NOT GO HIGHER THAN THIS! And finally, I leave u with this. It's just a game! It's not the end of the world if u don't get everything u want or u die every now and then. Sure, it's frustraing, but that's what makes games fun.

Mike Level 91 Mace barbarian. But i still hav tips. To Start off u shoud max out sword mastery it wil definitly help u do more damage. Also ur barb will suck so bad if u dont max out whirlwind it is VERY IMPORTANT to max it. First of all ive read most of these barb strategies and the majority of them suck!!

First of all pick one weapon usally sword beceause they can easily be the best. For that weapon max out the mastery! Max out ww a great skill! Also u should get a few war cries good 4 groups n' things. As 4 stats NO MANA!!! Vitality u dont need much of, dex and strength are ur main focuses! As cool as other tings are, youll get screwed eventually if you dont have a shield, and swords are infinitely better one hand weapons than anything else.

The Barbarian is unarguably the most powerful melee dueler in the game, and if made correctly can be one of the most powerful character in general. I myself think that DR damage reducing barbs are the best barbs around. This is because when wearing the correct equipment, they will reduce attacks normally doing into about only !!

First, lets discuss what to do with stat points. You should have about on strength, about on dexterity, 30 TOPS on energy, and the rest on life. This might sound a little strange but it will work perfectly. Now with skills, it gets a little tricky. The FIRST skills are to go to the mastery of your choice. For now, lets do sword. By level 21 u should have sword mastery MAXED out. This will take care of low dex and will add great damage to ur attack. Now with the cries. FORGET ALL OF THEM EXCEPT FOR BATTLE ORDERS.

ALL THE OTHER CRIES SUCK. This is a dueling barb. Thats pvp NOT pvm. Battle COmmands is crap. Guided arrow NEVER misses. Assasins with traps will always hit, and Martial Assasins will hit u anyway with theyr high dex. Now lets talk bout other chars. Necros do psn damage which cant be avoided. Sorceress are pure elemental and only resistances can help.

A good pally will obviously have fantacism and then cant miss. Other Barbs have too strong attack rating from mastery so they obviously they wont miss. A druid will generally do about damage with fury but that is reduced to only about And also druids arent exactly sharpshooters so they will only hit u bout times before u kill em. Ok so ive gone way off track from skills so ill just type a tree for u. Remember u only get skills so use them wisely. Leap attack is a barbarian's guided arrow. I am not sure if this is some glitch, or something purpusely put in by blizz.

Leap attack will not miss, even if the target is not even on the screen anymore. Stone Skin will take place of Battle Commands. If u have any skills left after this, i recommend putting them into faster running and walking. Ok well that takes care of skills. Now time for what u have been waiting for: Ok i said a good barb has damage reduction. For ur armor u should wear SHAFTSTOP MESH ARMOR. Ur helm should obviously be: ARREATS FACE SLAYER GAURD. Or if u want to be greedy, u could wear: HARLEQUIN i think thats how u spell it CREST SHAKO.

I dont really reccomend it though. You obviously need to use as a shield: Plus great Blocking rate. Ur Sword, well now this is really up to you. It really doesnt matter what u use as long as its not a cruel dagger However, i DONT reccomend GF grandfather collosus Sword This is because it is way too expensive for what it does.

If u want to go crazy with price, then u can get fury balrog blade. I am currently saving up for it. Your gloves really dont matter, however, i like to use venom grip. It may sound weird but it gives a good chance for crushing blow, and does poison damage.

Ur belt needs to be string of ears in order for u to reduce damage. Now u may be saying WHERE IS ALL THE LEECH. U need DUEL LEECH RINGS. I have 2 of em and they are both 8 health and 5 mana. Now my ammy is 2 to barb skills and duel leech 10 and 10 i believe. Now in ur inventory u should have about 20 small poison charms. It will take a while, but ull get them. With all this ur WW damage should be EXTREMELY HIGH.

My Barbarian does damage, give or take a point. My leap attack does This massive damage slaughters almost all chars cept maybe some zons. Now lets add up the reduction.

So picture this a HUGE BARBARIAN, WITH over !!!! So even the strongest blast from a sorc's t-storm. Well Good Luck building ur Barb, and have a good time dueling. I have read and tried out almost every different strategy listed here and i have found that none of them fit the true nature of the barbarian exactly.

So i started my own strategy, based on different parts from everyone elses. You start off by pouring all of your skill points into sword mastery, I chose sword mastery because a cruel collosus blade of quickness with 2 ohm runes and a jah rune is unbeatable: NEVER i reapeat NEVER put any skill points in double swing, double throw, or frenzy, without using a shield you will be taken down very fast.

Then after you've maxed out whirlwind, start to put points into iron skin, natural resistance and increase speed. You should probably do 10 iron, 10 resist, and 3 speed. I had a friend rush me to hell cows where i leeched for expirience and i got to level 70 in one day, its not hard.

After you have lvl 20 whirlwind, lvl 20 sword mastery, lvl 10 iron skin, lvl 10 natural resistance, and lvl 3 increase speed, you will be set for the combat skills and masteries skill tabs. Some people say warcries are worthless, believe me they are idiots. You will believe me when your hp jumps from to and ur defence goes from to for a good full minute and a half.

If your good at math you are probably saying hey wait Well now that you know which skills to invest in. To start off i recomend doing a split till your're level 50 of 2 strength 1 dex, and 2 vitality every lvl. You might be saying: As you progress through the last 29 levels you should focus mostly on strength and vitality. Don't totally blow off dex because i still does give you some defensive bonuses.

With this spread you be be a force to reckon with. Having an extreme amount of life and damage while still having the defense to back it up. If its not already obvious to you hotkey shout and battle orders so you can recast whenever they dissapear.

For items you should use the following. To get this transmute a magic collosus blade with 3 chipped gems in your cube.

The magic modifiers is randomated but if your lucky, like me, you will get a 3 socketed cruel collosus blade of quickness. For armor use shaftstop, helmet use vampgaze. For a shield use stormshield, it gives excellent defence, resist, and damage reduction. For gloves and boots use Imortal kings, they up your stats and give you life.

Now for amulet use cresent moon for the mana and life steal. Then you round it all off with two bul-kathos wedding bands for the increased life,and life steal. You can customize this depending on what charms you find. With all of this is place you will be one of the best duelers and cow runners on battle. This may take a long time to get these necesary items and i suggest making a Magic find charactor to find items worthy enough to trade for the ones you will need, but once you get all this stuff OK,guys listen up my lvl 76 barb is maybe only 76 but I ORDER YOU DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DONOT TOUCH ENERGY!!

Yo, a barbarian definitely should have a ton of life and strength, energy won't matter because if you raise the barbarian right, he should have mana and life steal. Unlike some people would say, I think warcries are NOT a waste of time. Good barbs use them often. That relic guy or whatever cant raise a barb. U should max out battle orders and have a few points into shout and maybe some into batle command at least 1. Those are the only 3 warcries that r good. In hell it is hard to stay alive in the cow lvl which is when all those warcries are extremely useful.

IT WORKS VERY WELL! Max out 1 and only 1 weapon mastery. I saved my points until I found a really good weapon, which is a good thing to do. I suggest maxing swords because they are easy to find and probably the strongest out there. Whirlwind is another skill to max out. It is extremely useful and without it, well, ur screwed if a bunch of cows come.

Frenzy is also alright so u might wanna put 1 or 2 points into that but not too many incase u don't use 2 weapons. You need to have a inventory full of plus to life or skills charms. Every lvl on my barb I put about 2 to strength, 1 to dexterity, and 2 to vitality but occasionally id put them all to vitality or even sometimes all to strength.

My barbarian wouldn't be able to b taken out if he had a better sword. I've read all kinds of set up for a Barbarian and i think mine is one of the best. At first I was skeptical about using 2 swords but now its my favorite set-up.

I have a level 61 Barbarian which I equipped with Life stealing and Life regeneration stuff. I use Stun then Double Swing as primary attack. When I jump into a group of minions with Leap Attack then using Stun then using Double Swing Minions are dead before the first stun wears off then I stun again then the remaining Minions are dead.

Then i take care of the Big Boss. I don't even have top of the line equipment yet but i managed to craft items with life stealing, increased attack speed and good attack rating. Also i have full resistance to everything. Also you must have a great missile attack because no matter how tough you are there are enemies which are tougher. I'm an all around Barbarian. You can judge your toughness by how well you go toe to toe with a group of Champion Moon, Blood Lords in Nightmare level.

If they can still hurt you bad, need to keep improving. There is one thing I would like to say concerning Barbarian strategy. I think that the Frenzy skill is largely overlooked for some reason. Frenzy has an almost identical effect on damage and attack rating, but not only that it makes you faster.

Whirlwind may have its uses, but I believe Frenzy is a much more powerful tool in that you can use it constantly. The Barbarian, i think is one of the greatest characters in the game. It is a great dueler, and great at defeating bosses. My barb is an mf barb. This is not very popular, but i think is very useful.

In order to build up a good dueling, and mf barb, you will need to build up on many things. There are several skills that are essential, in order to build a good barbarian. I have a level 99 barbarian, and i havent lost a duel to any other character, except for sorceress and amazons. In case you want to know, these are what my stats look like. Strength -Dexterity -Vitality -Energy - 40 With these stats, I have a strong health sytem, so i can take many hits.

I rarely miss with my whirlwind, and i am able to use any item i wish to use. To some people, my mana my seem a little low, but what most people overlook, is leech. Barbarians are characters that require massive amounts of leech. Because of their only form of attack melee they often take many blows before striking their target. Also, with only about mana, and whirlwind costing near 40, mana leech is essential as well. My barbarian has about mana with Cries and i can only use ww whirlwind a couple of times before running out metatrader forex factory news indicator mana.

But, because of my leech, i always have full mana and health. For your knowledge I have about life with cries. In order to have a strong barbarian, you need to have your skills balanced out. That way, you will be able to do as much damage as possible. Whirlwind is one of the best skills a barbarian has. Once level 30 is reached, ww should be maxed out as quickly as possible.

This is the way your skills should look, by the time you reach level Take into account any skill items and charms you posses Whirlwind - 20, Leap Attack - 5, Berserk - 20, Battle Orders - 18, Shout - 20, Battle Commands - 10, Natural Resistence - 12, Stone Skin or Any masteries you wish - 6 War cries are essential to a barbarian, just as shields are essential to sorceresses.

They give your barbarian a very BIG BOOST, making him ready for battle. Even the mighty guided arrow wont affect for a while with a high defense.

When i duel, i get powered up with a shrine, forex strategy builder reviews cries, and a good sword. When i am all ready, i have about health, and mana. My defense is about Hard to believe, but a little cheat is to use shout then get one of the shrines that increase your defense, and then use shout again. If done quickly enough, your barbarian should have about to defense.

Resistances are also very important to a barbarians dueling abilities. Sorceress will slaughter barbs that dont have resistance. My resistances under hell are all maxed out. Therefore, sorceresses have a hard time damaging me. One last thing, try to use items that give you faster running and walking speed. They are very useful while dueling.

These are the items i use and wear when i am dueling: Head - Arreats Face Slayer Gaurd, Weapon - CCB or Cruel Collosus Sword, Boots - Clean War Traveler Battle Boots, Gloves - Chance GuardsArmor nifty strategies for options Arkaines Vallor, or Skullders Ire, Belt - Goldwrap, Rings - Both duel leech, and resist, skill level, and many other good abilities, Amulet - Duel leech and skill level, 15 to resists.

Those are the items i use. I mostly use these 2 abilities; Left is Berserk, and right is Whirlwind. Your inventory should be stocked FULL of poison and skill Charms. The poison charms will do a lot of extra damage. Try to use psn charms with a second mod. Most of my psn charms are poison damage over 7 seconds, and lightning damage. Those are very good because they higher the amount of damage you do drastically. If i drop the skill charms and fill my entire inventory with psn charms, i do easily over damage with whirlwind NycsFinezt For the first think what the hell is wrong with all the people, for the first when you start the game with a barbarian what wepon do you have an axe and do you know why becouse axes were made for barberians, for second why do you people use shields barbarians were made for holding two weapons than if you want to play with a shield pick a freakin paladin for gods sakes, for third why do i see people using spears and trowing crap the amazon was made for that not a barberian.

Hi, well im a lvl 98 barb, tho my barb isnt the only guy i play, and im really good. U should try and wear wat i wear and have the same amount of skill points in each skill as i do. Arreats face unique barb helmmf helm: Immortal Kings will set item barb helm armor: Immortal Kings Soulcage set item armormf armor: Atmas wail unique armorbelt: Goldwrap unique belt how much money can you earn while on ssi disability, fun belt: Mara's Kaleidoscope unique amuletmf Amulet: Bulkathos wedding band unique ringright hand: Immortal kings forge set item glovesmf gloves: I also have a bunch of charms which add up to maxed resist even if ur free forex charting software mac hell, and plus 12 to all barb skills.

Skills, lvl 32 sword mastery, lvl 32 whirlwind, lvl 32 battle order, lvl 15 shout, lvl 22 iron skin, lvl 22 natural resistance, and lvl 13 to all other skills.

Actually this is kinda hard isnt it, so i sugest u take other ppl make money picking bottles instead, i started this barb since the first copy of diablo ii came out sooo On this site I have read a lot of shit on how Necromancers have pked Barbs.

I have a huge collection of trophies and any necro willing to take me on can mail me at shalinikurian yahoo. Other characters except for amazons and to an extent Pallys are incapable of even standing to the first Brutal whirlwind. And play for fun and not only for perfection. Sorry for using abusive language. And guys LOD rocks-can't wait for Diablo 3. Rajiv - Majorglory level98 Barb - KickAss Level 76 Pally - Superman Level77Barb - And coming up Britney LEVEL6 Assasin.

Put about 10 pts in natural resistance and iron skin, but not more. Natural resistance gives you diminishing returns and it is not worth it to put too many points in it. Iron skin is useful but maxing it out is a waste of points. Instead, max out whirlwind and equip your barb with a sword that can leech life and mana. Then, you can whirlwind for free and taking hits is no problem since you regain life after each successful hit and i can assure you, you will be dealing lots of hits to forex indicator for scalping no repaint mt4 platform with whirlwind.

Don't bother with warcries. As for berserk, just put a pt in it. It is powerful enough with just one point and it is great for dealing against physical immune creatures. Put about 3 to 5 pts in increased speed and one point in increased stamina. As for stats, don't put any points into energy.

Aust forex finance pty ltd and dexterity are very important so be sure to allocate plenty of points on them. To start a barbarian, u must have items like ccb, V. Str, dex, vit, no energy!! For skill, Max ww, sword mastery, battle O, shout, battle C and iron skin. U will not have enought skill points but i have barbarian chams that can increase barbarian skills.

If u want to do more damage, u can put runes into ccb, making it fury ccb. I have a lvl 90 barb, and first off, i'd like to tell you that any dueling barb that does not use a shield will blow serious ass. Sword barbs are by far the best, and when doing cow runs, do not use a a shield, use only your sword. Every other barb besides a barb like this will suck.

All you people with lvl 20 barbs posting strats, just stop it. I have a lvl76 mace barb, and he's only lvl76 because I got bored doing cow union livestock auction. The fastest way to lvl up is to just leech in hell cows.

You need friends to rush you, it's almost impossible to get free hell rushes from strangers. Once your in hell cows, you can start spending your point. Only get as much strength as you need for your weapon plan out your weapon in advance. Then balance out up to you forex peso to canadian dollar dex and vit, NO ENERGY AT ALL.

Your a barb, not a sorc, no energy is needed. Max your weapon mastery, whirlwind, BO, and put a point into battle commands. Put a few points into iron skin, natural resistances, and increased speed. Anything else is up to you. It's always helpful to get magic find. As long as you can easily do hell meph with a build like this, you should be able to you should get as much mf as possible without losing killing power.

Most of this stuff has already been said, but needed to be further emphasized. Lol, decent stratagies u might say. N00b i am, true. Thers nothing else i can say. From level 1 - 30 char pts at least 90 should go to vitality if not WAY MORE. I know, sounds a littly bad for ur strenth and dex.

But, when ur in act 2, and ur leeching on sewer runs, ull want that extra vitality. Belive me, lv 70 may sound far, but its 2 nights work, if you survive. Just make it to lv 20 with ur good vitality, get ancients, ur lv 26, get a bit of str and dex, then, u can start doing some stuff. MAxing out battle orders is the most important thing i can tell you.

Do it, do it fast. When ur normal hp jumps to a They die, like no tommorow. With my shield and ccb, I can WW threw about cows and all i hear is them hitting my shield. U dont get hit, and u still do lots of damage. You will notice in hell ull use bazerk 1 pt all needed alot, and it strips ur def, so get good blocking percentage. Belive meif ur WW and dont got frenzy, but u still got a stocklands wetherill park easter trading hours doing damage like me and ur attacting at frenzy speed, U will be glad u listened.

Also, u will hit about 5 times a guy if u got decent dex and ur ww with shaels. Its all i need for all my leech. MAXED by the time u get to lv 80, u should have maxed hell resistances.

If u dont diablo 3 new trade system it, at least get lightning maxed or diablo, meph, ancients, or baal will slaughter u. You will not gain shit worth of bonuses if you you go higher, and its a wayst. The leech will cover ur life, and shaels will make up for ur speed loss. This is the hardest part in getting to hell. Basicly that stretch to lv20, doing sewer runs will get u killed. Once u get ancients, ull have some defence against them, and be able to do blood runs.

Save your hell ancients. Belive me, oncee ur forex training in urdu download hell, do some blood runs till ur lv 70 not take long then do hell cows for the rest. Or do cows right after nm ancients if ur dumb. When you get to lv And, m EXP will speed that up ALOT.

SAve ur ancients, and follow the rest of myy knowlege. Guardian xXxCASTROxXx - 92 HC Deceased Monday, May 27th, Slain by Quill Rat in Normal.

Before attempting your barb make a magic find sorc 2: Trade, steal and beg for the items you want for your barb so you know what stat points in put in. Put all free stat points into health. When you start of put 1 point into each of the skillz untill you reach ww, and max the weapon of your choice and then ww. You should get at least an extra acumenrtics japan co stock trade symbol points of items, so 1 into stamina, run will be enough.

Maybe a couple more into resists. Put about 10 into iron skin. Max shout, it offers more def than iron skin, and when maxed lasts for about a minute, it also has the advantage of helping other party members. When used shout will add to the over all defence rating including the 10 you put into iron, making it even more of a better option.

Max battle orders, more life and mana always nice. I think thats about lvl 85, this strategie comes from 2 years of playing,about 5 barbs, and every other char at least once.

Dont be affraid of altering slightly to compensate your items, if you find youve wasted loads of points and stats it doesnt take long to get high anymore as long as you have the items to back your lvl up. All of you wirlwind barbs dont know what you are doing.

Forex broker business model, I'd like to share my strategy for a good rounded out barb. Okay, first I'll tell you what to put your stat points into each level, although many people will disagree, just trust me it'll all work out in the end. First, every level except multiples of 5 i. Put 3 vit points and 1 str, 1 dex.

On every diablo 3 new trade system level 5,10,15, etc. Although you may not think this is wise just trust me it'll all work out. Then if you decide to do the stat quest. Put it into what ever you feel like. If for some reason you don't think u'll have enough energy, then put 4 points into energy and 1 into whaever else you need, stock market corn str.

I usually put 3 into str and 2 into vit or 3 into energy and 1 into vit and 1 dex. For skill points, get whaever you need to get up to Battle Orders. Put however many you feel is necessary. Also get Whirl Wind, same thing goes, get whaever you feel is necessary. Then get sword mastery because they are the best kind.

Now comes decision time, before you make copy paste jobs from home in kolkata barb, figure out what you want to be, a 2 handed sword barb, a 2 sword barb, or a 1 sword 1 shield barb. I prefer the 1 sword 1 shield barb, with 2 sword as my 2nd weapon. If you are gonna be a 2 handed sword, get whaever you can afford, or find, usually a cruel sword is best.

If your a 2 sword barb, get 2 good swords that you can afford. If your a 1 sword, 1 shield, get storm shield for good blocking if you can't get that, find a shield with high blocking percentage, and any good sword, I won't say the best sword because it all depends on your budget, i.

Then if you want to mf, get 2 ali baba's if you can for a good 2 sworded barb, you'll have less dmg, but you'll do enough to kill hell mephisto.

For armor, wear anything you can that will add skills, or have good d. I like the C. Ornate unique plate, I can't remember how to spell it but it have over d and does good other adding qualities. For rings, since you won't have a lot of energy, get rings that leech to mana, and another one to add to energy. For amulets, maybe you can get anything that adds skills or energy or leech of some sort.

For boots, attempt to buy yourself waterwalks, or ik boots. Then for helms, I like I. For gloves, I like to use venom grips because they have leech, try to get these. That's about it, hope you like this strategy, change it to your liking, besides that have a good time.

All the barbs I've ever made were like this. The other 2 are long gone 1 was hacked, and the other expired: Oh well this barb i'm gonna make now is gonna be better because I have sojs. Level 99, 93, and 7 barb. This is designed for a whirlwind-using D2x barbarian. The basic rule for this is to put enough points into STR and DEX to be able to use your main weapon. Your mastery in your chosen weapon will add damage, but also attack rating, which is why you dont need to rely heavily on dexterity to hit.

Strength is always good to add, but don't go too crazy. Another reason you would want a sword barb is because you can always hold 2 swords OF ANY KIND, as opposed to 1 maul or 1 great axe. IAS Increased Attack Speed is very important for a whirlwind barb. This determines how frequently you will try to hit during each "whirl". My barbarian has 90 IAS altogether and it does very well. Bse india forex studded leather is also moderately easy to find.

Leech is also very important, life leech taking more precedence. If you dont have this, you'll tend to lose life gradually whirling through packs of enemies since your defense is null when attacking. Your chosen weapon mastery should be near maxed early on for the attack rating, since youre not going to rely heavy on DEX.

This cant be avoided if youre close to it. Your merc will not die often if you provide him enough support. Everyone says sword is greatest, but my barb beats all sword barbs 10 lvls higher than me all the time. Cuz, it does more damage than swords, its one handed, and the dam to undead everyone over looks, but its great. Im using two earthshakers. Mace masta, Battle Orders, Iron Skin, Nat Resist put 2 on double swing, 1 on more stam, 2 on faster, and the rest on preqs.

With str, u can use gris's armor, and that armor aint bad. I advise you to use a sander boots, cleglaw glove it slows down enemy, its great mara's kolidescope, 1 soj, and one bul-kathos wedding band. And My strategy has been an equal distribution of stat points One level I'd put all why are options riskier than stocks into Vitality, or Energy, or Strength, or Dex I know alot of you would be "Dude Energy is a waste!

And so those nice mana steal stuff doesn't work. I have points into STR in Dex into Vitality and into energy by the way this is including my stat amulet and ring which together give me tons of stat points: And one that gives you an extra skill, and also one that give you More stamina health and mana. I have 6, defense or so. Most would say this is a waste. Berserk hurts pretty bad, and I really don't use frenzy that much. But still, with the proper equipment this type of barbarian virtually owns Baal.

OK, you newbs who have been playing Diablo II for a week or two and think you have THE best strategy around don't know what the hell you are talking about. Now that we have that out of the way, I will explain to binary option traders my take on the Barbarian class and the most effective way to play a Barbarian.

Pertaining to stat point allocation, I suggest that you put almost all your points into strength until level 40, only getting enough dexterity to be able to hit the monsters. Aim for dex and the rest into strength. All the rest go to vitality. For Skills, 20 Sword Mastery, 20 BO, 10 Iron Skin, 10 Shout, 5 inc. Heres best way to spread skills in my opinion and ill explain why I chose Sword because I like to use a shield at times. Adding more points to Shout rather than Iron Skin will help You and Your Friends more than just adding 20 to Iron Skin Combat Skills 1 - Bash, 1 - Leap, 1 - Stun, 1 - Leap Attack, 1 - Concentrate, 20 - WhirlWind, 10 - Berserk 35 Points have been put into the Combat Skills Tree Combat Masteries 20 - One Wepon Mastery, 1 - Increased Stanima, 1 - Increased Speed, - Iron Skin, 10 - Natural Resistances 35 - 52 Points have been put into the Combat Masteries Tree Warcries 1 - Howl, - Shout, 20 - Battle Orders 24 - 41 Points have been put into the Warcries Tree Now if you have followed these steps you should be an unstoppable killing machine These are the things you should max out: I have a Lvl 83 barb and have found that useing the sword is the best way to go and have found a way to make a nice barb wasteing no skill points but this is only for people who already have a higher level barb and are makeing a new one i suggest you have someone rush you past the enite game and then do nothing but leach in hell cows and dont distribute skill points until your atleast lvl 60 personaly i prefer to use swords i use two 1 handed swords so i maxed out sword mastery also max out whirlwind and distribute the other points how you see fit but i suggest only put points on one weapon mastery The reason i say to only use this strat if you have another barb is so when you get to high enough level you can transfer all the stuff from old barb to new one with the help of a friend this allows you to build the barb around your stuff it is alot easyer then finding alot of differnt stuff this also saves alot of money and time in games and when you find better stuff move the old stuff to a mercenarie also if you can do it get as much magic find as posible it helps alot so you will find better items evan if they are not items i can use i can trade them for sojs and gems then i can trade the sojs and gems for better stuff and now for the best part use the socket quest in act 5 to put a socket in a unique or set item sword and put a SUR rune to blind the enemy use this as a secondary sword with the best shield you can find because sometimes like in hellcows when you get overun it helps alot.

I have a lvl 90 barb who kicks serious ass. You long winded bastards dont know what your talking about. Get two one handed weapons preferably swords. Put 1 point into all skills except warcries and pile down on double swing and a weapon mastery.

Get your energy to 14 and double swing forever. YOU WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF MANA. You will be a virtual god. Try it and dont argue with me. All u barbs out there who think that warcries are a waste, u haven't been a high enuf lvl.

When u get to lvl 80 u have nothing more to upgrade!! So i suggest that u get them warcries at lvl 60 or so. Now for some diablo killing tips. If u are having killind d in normal here is what u do; wear as much lightnign and fire resisting items as u can! And when he shoots his lightnign don't run, stand right in front of him!

Ok, i have read a lot of these entries and many of them are totally wrong. Never, EVER use any othe weapon except swords. He uses a ccb cruel colossus blade It does damage two-handed and one-handed. For the shield he uses stormshield. Helm - vampire gaze. Gloves - Immortal King's Forge war gauntlets. Boots - Immortal king's Piller war boots. Belt - string of ears demonhide sash.

Rings - 2 raven spirals. Amulet - corruption collar. If whoever is reading this is any good at d2x you will know what these items are and how good they are. If you do damage you will only do 20 to me.

Try to get any of these items. Barbs should have tons of defense. Mine has around 10, Max out the following skills as soon as you can: Sword Mastery, Whirlwind, Iron Skin, Battle Orders, Shout, Battle Command, and put about 10 points in the following: Increased Speed and Natural Resistances.

There are not enough skill points to do all that but i have items and charms that to skills. For stats have around strength, dexterity, vitality, and 10 energy what you start with. This is the tried and true barbarian build. You can kill anything in the game with this easily, and in duels you will find yourself victorious most of the time. I've read all these strategies, and they suck.

No one wants to hear about your lvl 30 barb. If you want to kick ass you'll do what I tell you! The first step is to add to only one mastery. Then get double swing if you want to become a frenzy barb. Otherwise save your skill points for later. Battle orders is the best war cry, and its sweet. I would also get some iron skin or shout which ever you like. Then get lots of ww or frenzy. Frenzy barbs need ww too, but not until later. I recommend 10 into berserk for tough guys and immune to phys.

Thats all you need to know. Boronazard lvl 72 barb, Dummbass lvl 63 barb, Lemartes lvl 42 barb, BiggyMcBigsalot lvl 35 barb, FoulEdTheMauler lvl 35 barb. In the long run, my strategy works to your benefit.

However, it isn't perfect and you will encounter difficulties. Hopefully, the weapon matches your mastery so that you can get the bonous on your attack rating. Now, set this up and switch to this weapons configuration to take out opponents who are "immune to physical. This will help increase your defense since you don't have a shield and hopefully you'll survive long enough to retreat too! However, since my character was well devloped and thought out except for this skill and a levl 1 "taunt," a level 1 skill where the enemies run away, and a level 1 "leap.

However, I would like to note that in the RARE ocassions that I used "leap attack," It REALLY helped against enemies that shoot out elements everytime you hit them You know instead of standing there, I "leap attack" and retreat to heal myself in necessary. Then I repeat this that that enemy dies! The MOST common cause of death for ANY character class, especially those that have to do it "mano a mano!

These are my tips on playing a Barbarian Character. Firstly, to all of you who have characters below about level 50 posting strategies: Although you probably mean well, you simply don't have the experience in the harder levels of the game to give real advice. I have 4 Barbarians, all are in or through Hell difficulty, the highest is level I'm not saying these are the only way to play a Barbarian and urge you to experiment for yourselves!

Skills are the most important area of your characters development, please experiment with as many skills as possible to find what you like. The skills I consider essential are: Iron Skin - No matter what type of babarian you make, this should be maxed. Weapon Mastery - Again max one of these.

There is no use to puting points into too many masteries.

Natural Resistance - I don't put more than 5 or 6 points into this as after that the bonus isn't worth the skill point. Berzerk - You only really need to put one point here, but it is an absolute MUST. Towards the end of Nightmare, and all through Hell you will find monsters immune to physical damage, Berzerk will deliver a nice, powerful blow to these nasties. After that your skills are pretty much up to you, some commonly recommended skill are: Leap Attack - The damage of this is huge, but remember it is useless at close range, so really only of use as an opener.

Whirlwind - This is a great skill, however when using it don't equip two weapons. The skill only hits with one anyway, so equip a shield or something 2 Handed. Double Swing - Great skill in normal, weak later on. If you want to use two weapons I recommend Frenzy, it is much like double swing but with a damage bonus. My main Barbarian uses a maxed out Concentrate as his primary attack, the uninteruptable attack and defence bonuses are great.

I also recommend getting Leap for getting out of tight squeezes. Warcries are a little pointless in the one player game, but although I don't use any, they are great in multiplayer. STATS - Your stats should reflect the type of character you create. Maul barbarians should have huge Strength, mine has a strength ofand only 40 dexterity! He doesn't hit as much as I'd like, but when he does he devistates.

Axe and Sword Barbarians should have a good combination of the two, though I wouldn't bother puting Dexterity to more than Throwing Barbarians need a high Dexterity, but don't neglect Strength, you still need good Armour.

No matter what type of Barbarian you make you should have a decent Vitality and no additional Mana. This may sound odd, as many people recommend a little, but Energy is a waste of time and points. None of my Barbarians have put anything into Energy and they never run out of mana, just soccet a Perfect Skull into your main weapon.

If you are a throwing Barbarian get yourself some Mana stealing Gauntlets, Amulet or Ring I also use the no Energy tactic for Paladins, Amazons, Assasins and Fighting Druids. WEAPONS - The No. DON'T WASTE TIME LOOKING FOR UNIQUE OR SET ITEMS! Uniques and Set iems are nice, but chances are you will never find the ones they suggest, if you do, great, but don't hold your breath! To find any really good uniques or set items you have to be VERY lucky, and no legitimate player would trade one of these for anything less than the best equipment.

Instead I recommend finding youself a nice magic or even rare item. My barbarians all wear suits of Shadow Plate. My main Barbo wears Godly Shadow Plate and has a total defense of over I would soccet my armour or helm with a Cham rune can't be frozen, very handy!

diablo 3 new trade system

For weapons I suggest looking for a Cruel weapon. Cruel is the best damage property there is. Again, my Barbo uses a Cruel Colossus Blade, and he does damage!

With just Sword mastery and Concentrate. I have Socceted it with a Perfect Skull to steal Mana and Life and am looking for a damage enhancing jewel worthy enough.

Remember third generation items get more soccets from Larzuk than first or second. TIPS - Good Characters concentrate their skills in just a few places. Remember, Damage enhancing Jewels placed in armour enhance all weapons, not just one. Cruel weapons and Godly armour, although rare can be bought in stores, so look often. Don't waste your time with elemental damage on weapons. Elemental damage is not increased by masteries and the like.

In later levels just one point of additional "real" damage translated to 7 or 8 points. Save your imbuements and personalizations for when you find really good items, these rewards are too good to squander on crap. Don't listen to people posting crap saying this or that is the ultimate style of play, Blizzard has done a great job balencing the characters out and all styles of play are valid. Experiment with your characters, find what works for you. I have given tips on how I play, try to find your own unique style!

Take pride in your appearance! NOTHING is more important than looking good. So what if that ancient armour has defence, YOU LOOSE A SHOULDER PAD! For all those people who think Swords are the best, long live. The sword is the best weapon in the game. Think of this, if you pk an Amazon, you will definetely want to block whatever they shoot at you. If you have a weapon that requires two hands, you will not have a chance in hell of winning. And, you must never get out ran by anybody. Here are the things you might wanna have: Lightsaber, Arreats Face, Arkaines Valor, Immortal King Boots, Decent Gloves, Whistans Guard, Cats Eye Amulet, Raven Frost, Manald Heal, and A mana and life leeching belt.

GET 20 SKILL POINTS IN THAT WPN'S mastery. DOUBLE-SWING and FRENZY are the best I have seen so many people write in to this page saying that the best way to defeat Diablo is to avoid him and pick off his minions until he's alone. Well, I'd just like to know, What are you people thinking when you run around and open up ALL the seals without stopping to deal with the enemies that appear? I find the best way to defeat The Chaos Sanctuary is to pick off all the enemies and THEN open the last portal, Its much easier and costs less health.

Sir Jagamund, lvl 27 Barbarian. I curruntly have a level 38 Barbarion. He rocks, and those of you who think a pole arm is the way to go don't know anything. Here's what you have to do. Start of by putting points into strength, worry about mana later. You should use the best sword available to you, speed and damage is the key. Now they gave you two hands for a reason so put a sword in one and a sheild in the other, good defence and good block percentage, I prefer The Ward Gothic shield or Isenharts Pary Gothic Shield.

Later on Put stats in mana an dexteriry. Then start putting stats in Whirlwind. Don't worry, put about 3 points in resistance and you'll find plenty of armor and jewewlry to fill in the gaps. You'll need the resistaces for later in the game because just about all of the monsters have Elemental proporties. Warcries aren't really all that great because some will back fire, Ex. If you use Howl they will have a chance to heal. Two handed swords are the best when your a barbarian.

There so long so you don't need to get to close. I currently have Viper Scratch Flamberge which is great. There also great because there so fast and have great damage ratings. Remember even though it's two handed you can carry it in one, good idea. Defence and attack rating are a must. Without them you can't hit any thing and they can rack up damage on you.

Stamina stats are useless. You'll most likely find boots that increase them greatly. Remember I've got a level 38 barbarian that could defeat any one of the others that say anything else so trust me.

These strategies are for those brave souls who decide to make a Hardcore barbarian. When playing ANY Hardcore player, the main thing to remember is take it slow. Don't rush to complete the quests.

Start new games and go through the first few areas a couple times to build your levels. Like any barbarian, focus on one level group and put your skill points into that weapon. Don't change your playing style because of any of these strategies that you read, no matter what. If you like playing a certain way, than play that way. What works for me is using double swords, with emphasis on the following skills: Sword Mastery, Frenzy, Leap Attack, Whirlwind, Berserk, Iron Skin, and Natural Resistance.

My first point went into Bash to open up the tree; the rest went into Sword Mastery until I levelled enough to get Double Swing and Leap. I put one point into these and proceeded to put the rest into Sword Mastery until Level I put one point into Increased Stamina, Stun, and Double Throw and the rest into Sword Mastery. At 18 and 24, I put points into Increased Speed, Leap Attack, Iron Skin, Frenzy and Concentrate.

I built up Iron Skin and Leap Attack, which are two very important skills in my opinion. Frenzy got more points, though. It is simply deadly when used as your main attack. You move faster, hit more, and hit harder. Increased Speed doesn't need too much more than a few points. At 30, you get the best skills: Whirlwind, Berserk, and Natural Resistance. I wouldn't recommend using Berserk too much in Hardcore; it lowers your defense, which is VERY bad when you can only die once.

I went the defensive route, building up Iron Skin and Natural Resistance to ridiculous levels right away. It helped enormously in Hell with all of the Undead Fighter Mages running around. From here, I put points into Frenzy and Whirlwind, using Frenzy as my main attack and Whirlwind as my right-click in most cases. If I fought a boss with stone skin, I used Berserk once in a while, but not too much. I mainly just built a huge defense and used Frenzy and Whirlwind.

I didn't put any points into Warcries and it didn't seem to matter too much, although I didn't play with others all that often. Again, just modify this to fit your playing style. As far as stat points go, I went with 2 Strength, 2 Dexterity, and 2 Vitality at level up unless I wanted to get to use some item I picked up that I didn't meet the requirements of. After a while, I went 1 Strength, 1 Dexterity and 3 Vitality. Life is very important at the higher levels and especially in Hardcore.

I highly recommend trading, especially when you first start out. In Hardcore, players are typically more generous about giving away or trading stuff cheap. Try to trade chips for set pieces and trade those set pieces for other ones you can use. I had Berserker's Arsenal and Death's Disguise sets both at the same time, which helped immensely.

You get so many bonuses from set items that it is really worth investing some time and energy into trading for complete sets. After a while, I traded Berserker's Hatchet for another Death's Touch, having two life stealing swords.

As you go up in level, look not only for items that add defense, but also resistances. Life steal is always good, and items that add mana after kills or steal mana are good if you use Frenzy or Whirlwind a lot, like I did. You've come to the right place. I have had my Barbarian for a year now, but to tell you the truth, he is only on level I might not have him on a high level, but I sure as heck have a great strategy.

Frenzy-Put about 15 skill points into it. Concentrate-Put about 2 skill points into it. BERSERK IS TOTALLY OVERRATED. DON'T WASTE SKILL POINTS ON IT. IT IS STUPID TO USE SKILLS LEARNED ON LEVELS OVER 12 ON THOSE WEAK EVERYDAY MONSTERS. Iron Skin-Only needs 3 skill points. One of the 6 "MASTRIES". Whichever you use most. THESE ARE ALL PASSIVE SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT MANA. FOR ALL OF YOU ASSASIN USERS, THE 6 "MASTRIES" ARE NOT REMOTELY LIKE CLAW MASTRY. Howl-This is one of the most important skills.



Here are the items my lvl 62 Barbarian is wearing: Duskdeep uniqueArmor: Ornate Plate rare - def imbued, Left Hand: Sigons Wrap set item - 2 per character lvl to defenseGloves: Sigons Sabot set itemRings: I always use double swing and as alternate attack i have lvl 8 whirlwind.

I had no problems killing Duriel hell. I just stand in front of him and keep hitting him. When i get hit by Duriel my life refilles just as quick as using an potion I hit often because of my high attack rating. I have max fire, ice and lightning resistance in hell. Magical damage is reduced by 2, and physical damage is reduced by 9.

Strenght is by far the most important attribute for the barbarian you should always pump at least 2 points in it per lvl-up. You should get your strenght to at least so you can wear an ornate plate armor find a normal one and imbue it - that is if you plan to go on after you finished the game on normal difficulty. You should also put some points in vitality. I have life and an aura enchanted increases strenght cow on hell secret cow level kills me with one hit. Never put any points into energy.

Here are my stats: I've got 20 points in sword mastery the best weapons for the barb1 in increased stamina this is really more then enough to alway be able to run3 in increased speed. Furthermore i have no skillpoints invested in the warcries section, and just a few in the combat skills 6 in double swing, 8 in whirlwindwhy 5 more in doubleswing? I also got one in berserk you need this skill to kill the physical resistance enemies on hell. You should keep the ability to imbue untill you find some normal exeptional items YOU want to have in a rare form.

I chose to imbue 2 ancient swords and 1 ornate plate. Because of these items my barb is near undefeatable. When you start to imbue; exit the game and backup your save game; re-enter the game and imbue your item; if it is what you want keep it otherwise exit the game put your old save game back and imbue again, repeat the proces untill you got the item which is best for you. Scimitair, level 62 Barbarian. I was reading this page and i saw heaps of people say that Duriel is THE hardest boss in all of d2.

Ive been using a barb and heres my stratagy 1. MAX OUT SWORD MASTERY 2. Max out ww 3. Max out battle oder 4. I recoment a sword and shield barb because in nightmare and hell, it really helps.

Frenzy and Double swing is the alternative of Concentration. Patriarch Rhazul, LVL 87 Sword Barb. I have had a few barbarian characters here so I have done a little bit of trial and error to learn what has worked best for me, currently I am using a barbarian which is at level 44, and I did get there the legit way as well. OK as for the stats, most of you should have already figured out that energy is not the most important stat to go with but there is a little bit of importance to it for when you want to use skills like frenzy or bash a lot, unless you want to hold onto a lot of mana potions, you will find more use of them when you get into the higher levels unlike when you firstly start the character.

I usually put 1 point to vitality every level, and the others go to dexterity and strength, I personally like the dexterity a little bit more, because no matter how hard your barbarian may hit, if he has low dexterity which pretty much mean, he is clumsy and has bad aim, your dead, that is all there is to it.

Bash is good if you want to use a two handed weapon but I personally prefer to use two separate weapons, it increases your attack speed by very much, twice and much damage in the same amount of time as a weapon and shield. Often monsters will not even have time to attack before they are smacked up twice and laying on the ground dead, not much to complain about there, but don't get two excited right off, the two handed attack is useless, only put 1 skill point into that, save it up for frenzy, you will understand why later, and also i have found the passive skills to be of much importance as well, especially natural resistance, for when you get to the nightmare and hell worlds where they drop your resistance big time, you will be thankful to have it then instead trying to attack a lightning enchanted monster and getting killed by 2 or 3 lightning charges for example, and in the end, lose gold and experience, i have learned this the hard way Iron skin is also of importance, the stamina, i put 3 into as well as the extra speed which i plan to put more into as i feel i am strong enough, so i can move around and avoid or attack monsters that much quicker.

I'm playing the expansion in normal mode. I'm a level 36 elemental druid druid on act 5. My best weapons are volcano, hurrician and armmagedon. I use a griz as a meat shield and have the original merc I hired from act 1. The merc shoots freeze arrows. The merc gets the best bows, armor and helm I can get. I also use a couple of ravens and cyclonic armor.

The two ravens are scouts. I watch them flying around and if they take off, I trouble is near. Get the cyclonic armor up to at least six and keep renewing it. I put 5 pts. The griz needs about 3 more skill pts. I layer volcano, arrmmageddon and hurrician one after the other.

If you like artic blast you'll love hurrician! It's like a super freeze in a circle around you. I use it freeze enemies and then my griz and merc take them out. I took diablo out with volcanoes and my griz. Make the griz in front of diablo. It took about ten volcanos level 4. The merc died in the first round. Mephisto I took out with two ravens and a level two volcano.

I did not follow the conventional wisdom of putting up to 40 max pts. I've got about 60 pts. I don't need a solar or carrion vine. I can toss heavy weather spells one after the other and keep going.

Spirit of the barbs, vs. The oak spirit is weak and stupid. It always wanders into the middle of a fire fight and gets toasted.

What about the wolverine spirit? My merc and griz 'kick ass' already, don't need it. I like the spirit of barbs. I don't have a keep making another one like I did with the oak spirit. Also do the math! At level one the barb spirit has a life of At level one the oak spirit has a life of If your fighters don't take as much damage, they live longer! And if they live longer, they can do more damage.

Put one point into fire, boulder, fizzures only. Beef up volcano, hurrican and armmaggedon. Fizzures is not very reliable. If you need to target your fire power, don't use fizzures. Put a volcano under some monster! Twister and tornado are too random to be effective. Wait until hurricain, then lay down a few points. Don't put more than one point into each vine. The poison vine is weak and don't waste points on it.

I see where a few geniuses point out that "having a good sword rocks! Let's consider strategies that are independent of having great equipment. After all, you can always "borrow" great equipment from your other characters.

Swords are the best weapons for barbarians. I recommend a healthy dose of sword mastery and concentrate. Use one handed swords because shields are key.

If you can find a 3 socketed tower shield, grab it and stick three of the best diamonds you can find in it. It will provide you with good blocking and high resistances. Then you don't need to waste skill slots on resistances later on. Concentrate also has the advantage of making your barb immune to being stunned as concentration permits an "uninterruptible" attack. War cries are useless. Shout is the only one worth having simply because it can clear nasties away from a portal so others can get through.

Find potion is great because you can accumulate enough of the various types of potions so you can make rejuvenation potions.

Barbarians are best if you design them to just wade in and smack stuff around. Grow a pair already. Put your ability points in strength, vitality and dexterity. Mana doesn't help a barb much, especially if you use concentrate a lot it is cheap. If you can manage to find equipment that increases speed and provides life steal, grab it.

If concentrate and sword mastery are high enough, your barb will rarely miss and will do a good deal of damage. If you are also stealing life as you beat on your opponent, you can stand there all day until your enemy goes down especially if you have rejuvenation potions ready. Strategies that drive opponents away are a waste of time bash and shout. How can you kill something if it runs from you.

Stun isn't bad depending on what you are fighting. Carry two balanced axes and spread most of your skill points between axe mastery, throwing mastery, double hit, and double throw. Put double hit on the left mouse and double throw on the right.

You can chop through the basic fodder with double hit and take out bosses or ranged attackers who are hanging back with double throw.

Double throw is pretty powerful - the damage is comparable to my melee attacks. There are two main drawbacks- one is lower defense which you can compensate for by having life stealing items, the other is you have to go back to town to fill up your axes- although by the time you've thrown axes you usually have something worth selling. Beltaine level 37 barb. I have a lvl 60 barb. It is a good charector you should pick him to start off with.

To get money you should pick up all iteams you find and sell them to the person in what every act you are in who repairs iteams. Its important to have tonw portals on you at all times so you can do that. All i can say is it is not easy to get to lv. Ok first of all i have been playing this game for a while and started soo many chars. So if u use polearm dont think u will rule in duels. I think my chars have been built perfect for me Anyways thanks for u who have read and tookin my advice l8ts.

For my barbarian i maxed out the combat mastery of my choosing. I put the skills that i got from quests into bash, concentrate, whirlwind and all those. I then max out iron skin and then max out resistances. These really help in dueling or in nightmare and hell. I then level up whirlwind and beserk for bosses and hell mode. For stats, in the beginning i put alot into strength and vitality For the swords you may have to add more to dexterity more often Charms that add to defense may be useful with iron skin at a high lvl This has worked well with my lvl 54 barbarian.

The ultimate barb is a sword barb and will use da one handed perfect Grandfather Colossus Sword, Stormshield, Vampire Gaze helmetShaftstop armorIK glove, IK boot, and IK belt. Strength is most important, then vita, then dex. PUT NO PTS IN MANA!!!! Get a mana leech ring. Max out whirlwind, max out sword mastery, max out natural resistance, TRY maxing iron skin, 5pts into leap, 5pt in warcry that gives u life, and 5 in increased speed.

Patriarch LMNTLstrong-gy LVL 72 Sword Barb. When it comes to fighting people, you want to run. I see alot of people saying beserk is usless. Put at least 1 into it because you most of the time cannot destroy enemies that are immune to physical without it especially in Hell difficulty.

Unles you already have a huge magical weapon make sure you have this before Lut Golein in Hell mode. Here are the Skills to a Perfect Dueling Sorc: Just wait til you kan get the Static Skill. Just keep using Static until u reach Lvl 30 Let everyone do the work for YoU!! And have a High Resistence to Cold and Lightning PangitGuyA - LvL67 SoRc. Hey all the Barbarians out there, when you first started training a barbarian, you must of put a lot on strength. Im not saying that this isnt good, but you the things you really need to focus on are STR, VITALITY and DEX.

Never, I mean never put any pts into ENERGY. I know, your wondering, if i dont have MANA how am i going to use my spells.

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Well, all you need is mana and life steeling equipment. Also, i have a great strategy to kill bosses. One, dont try and fight the bosses until you are atleast 6 lvls higher than them. Lvl 42 If you are too low, they will just breathe on you and you will fall right to the floor. Here is what i would suggest for a barbarian. You now have to kill them one by one. After that, you can now focus on the boss. Use leap attack to get to it then give it everything you have. When you have half your life left, heal Your best strategy is HIT AND RUN.

When you fight bosses like Mephisto Baal and Diablo, use Leap Attack then Whirlwind. Here are the things i think would make a great Barbarian: Max it out And here is a great way to spread out your Attribute points. When you reach lvl Now for all of yuu IDIOTS who think the barb is the easiest character to play with then you're dead wrong. If anything he is the hardest. Also if you think that sword barb is the way to go because he can block you're as wrong.

A barb is most powerful when hes using a pole arm and has 15 or 20 in polearm mastery. As for skills, put ur first 5 into your chosen mastery polearm if you're smart then split the next 25 points between bash, different warcries, and everything you need in order to learn whirlwind. As soon as you reach level 30 put all your skill points into whirlwind but dont start using it until it reaches level 5.

Put most of your points into strength and vitaliy. Now if you want to make a dueling barbarian put a ton of points into vitality so that by the time you reach the higher levels you would have about vitality, strength,dexterity, and about 80 vitality just try to get some fastest boots and a charm of inertia. I currently have a level 25 barbarian, and have strictly adhered to a few rules.

First and foremost, barbarians are all about damage, dishing out and recieving. I have dropped all the auxiliaries, such as warcries, energy and the like, instead, gearing solely at passives, vitality, dexterity, and strength.

It's my suggestion that you raise all three evenly. At first it may not seem as if it makes much sense, but the fact is.

The same applies with vitality. No matter how strong he is, if he can't take the punishment, get out.

So, keep those even, and max out axe mastery. So far as I've seen, the hardest hitting weapons in the game are axes.

While you're maxing that out, find items that replenish your life. Finding a few skull gems and a socketed helm can help, as can a number of rings and amulets. It may be tempting to go for items that protect from certain attacks, such as fire or poison This means you'll save on hp potions. Speaking of potions, ALWAYS keep rejuvination poitons in the first column.

Those are undeniable life savers. They heal you two or three times as fast as a regular heal poiton, and that can help in a pinch.

As for armours, I suggest going for the highest armour class you can get, except with boots. So, now that you have this guy, how do you play him? Well, you play him riding the ctrl button. Ranged attacks can't hit you if you're not there. And your barbarian will be able to peg most enemies in one hit.

Also, you'll rarely run out of stamina simply because your vitality is so high. Hi i am currently using the barb. I have read all the above stratergies and find some are utter lies. If u want a strong barb then go with swords or polearms as swords are pretty strong and have good attack speeds but pole arms are unmatched in strength and can attack from a short distance away.

Now to tell you about the skill pointsit is best to save as much as you can at the start for you will need them later but add ONE to double swing ONLY ONE. Also add one to leap so you can get leap attack. Once you reach level 18 add one to leap attack. You should also be adding points onto iron skin, natural resistance and the to stamina recovery and speed increase skills.

Add one to stamina recovery but max out the rest. Now once you reach level 30 MAX OUT WW! IT ROCKS LIKE HELL! Thats all you need dont add stuff to frenzy, concentrate or berserk only once you have finished the above.

Oh wait also dont add stuff to any of the war cries they suck and waist to much mana. Now onto stat points keep adding points to strenght and dex make sure they are about even because whats the point of being strong when you cant hit them thats why strenght and dex are a must.

Once you have done that keep adding stuff onto strenght and dex rememer to keep them around even. That is my advice and it has worked fine for my level 96 barb in fact my barb is ultamate so follow my advice and you will be an invinceable ass kick'n barb " I HAVE TOUGHT YOU WELL SO NOW GO OUT AND SMASH SOME SERIOUS BUTT" THANKS FOR READING MY INFO AND IT WILL HELP YOU FARE WELL. ALAN - CHCH, LEVEL 96 BARB US EAST.

If you are a barb who loves to duel over the internet and who dosent there are 3 main attack skills that you should Lvl up. First is Leap attack i love it when i was justa young barb and fought against people who had it thats what would kill me because they would go so high i would lose them and they would come down on me and kill me. Next is Wirlwind it is great when its time to get on the ground with them it will totally kick but they will run at you and you will start the attack and by the time time they figure out what is happeming they are already dead.

The final is beserk it is the ultimate attack against internet fruits.

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